Category: Ethnomethodology

All posts filed under Ethnomethodology

Picking Over Garfinkel’s Corpse (Part 1 of 2)

A response of Livingston, E. (2024) ‘Ethnomethodology’s Broken Promise,’ Human Studies The title of Livingston’s paper should read ‘Garfinkel’s broken promise’. EM has produced many studies of the type which Livingston complains are missing from Garfinkel’s oeuvre, some produced by Livingston himself. Nevertheless, Livingston is apparently upset that Garfinkel himself produced none. It is
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Picking Over Garfinkel’s Corpse (Part 2 of 2)

A review of Livingston, E. (2024) ‘Ethnomethodology’s Broken Promise,’ Human Studies Livingston illustrates what he proposes to be the failure of Garfinkel’s studies primarily with reference to two chapters of Ethnomethodology’s Program, and the paper more recently edited by Lynch (Garfinkel 2022). An interesting feature of all these studies is that they were published
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Wittgenstein 101

The work of Ludwig Wittgenstein will be very important to this blog. He demolished the philosophical theory that the sole function of language is to represent the world, pointing to the other vital uses that language has. Nevertheless, this disproven theory still has a powerful grip on much of our thinking, even (or perhaps especially)
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